Thursday, May 24, 2007

what do i look for
when it comes to a woman
besides a nice figure
and some good home cooking
im lookin for a lady
with a head on her shoulders
looks kinda young
but thinks 10 years older
im dying for a woman
thats smarter than me
when that loves to read
my lyrical poetry
one that loves to read
a collectoin of narritives
one willing to compare
differential comparatives
and bear with me
through the thoughts
of impassive patient acting
so when the time comes
shes prepared for flagrant action
and im not blabbin at the lips
when i request some sex hips
soft sensual kiss
right when i insist
and its bliss to imagine

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

honor killing

In northern Iraq
Lived a girl named Dua Khalil
This unfortunate poem
Is about how she got killed
She was a Kurdish girl
17 years old
Age of your friends or your children
Makes the story more cold
She was living believing
In a thing called yazidi
An ancient Middle Eastern religion
That goes on believing
That people should not inter mix
With other religions
And unfortunately for khalil
She became a victim
Seen walking down the street
With a Sunni Muslim man
Maybe they were kissing?
Maybe holding hands?
She hadn’t married or converted
But the family name was dishonored
So they stoned this poor child
Killing their own daughter
In retaliation of course
About twenty-four yazidis dead
Gunned down by the Sunnis
Another debt that’s been paid
And that’s the sad story
Of Dua Khalils death
I hope you have my same feeling
An aching in your breast

Much of this poem is direct quotes from an article by cnn that can be found at this address. I don’t want to take all the credit.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

is this really extacy?

i cant believe you left me so disguested
you did that after all those discussions
whats wrong with you kid
is your head busted
is what ive told you not enough?
is what ive offered so fuct up?
i gave you the best advice a man can give
and you turned it back
in my face youve spit
i love you so much
what were you thinking?
why couldnt you just go out
and spend the night drinking?
why couldnt you get high
untill you passed out
you had to do e to work this all out?
should i hope that it helped
made your night better?
should i pray that the x will improve the weather
ive protected you with my every action
you didnt understand so you were just passive
but you could have trusted me
you know im not stupid
but you last night
made me feel foolish
ive poored out my soul to make your life better
you threw it away to make one night better?
do you know what mdma is?
have you read about coke?
have you studied herion
and how it can choke?
itll take the life out of you
leave you a shell of your self
and i love how you are
do you really need help
between this and the tylonal
im begining to worry
the line of your sanity
is begining to get blurry
come the fuck on
i mean really whats up
cause if you dont give a fuck
then i dont give a fuck
i refuse to give of my self
to one who dosent care
i refuse to spend my wealth
if you wont fight the despair
but your life is your life
i cant live it for you
but dont let the easy way
sneak up and destroy you