who knows....
different paces, races
looking in peoples faces
so many lives wasted
so many loves tasted
yet so often berated
and deflated
utterly confabluated
to the point that its contageious
but id be a grevious error
to try to sevor
anything or what ever
for the sake of forever
never say never
exept to earthly pleasure
weather the weather
youll feel so much better
utter temptation
total diliberatoin
thoughless confisication
of hidden udilation
that descibes our nation
so im hiding in a basement
a period of gestation
before fighting for my station
stance in life
cut beliefs like a knife
show people what is stryfe
what its like
to live at night
with fear and fright
and earthly delight
god is so right
yet you still take flight