Sunday, June 02, 2013

Day 14

It's hard to face who you are. All the wrong you have done. All the damage you've created. The lows of yourself, and they ways in which they have hurt the people you love. I have not been a good person or a good partner these past two plus years. I have done more harm than good, and that cannot be refuted. I have hurt, cut, and damaged in more ways than I can even remember. I deserve to be alone, but somehow, someway she won't let go. I don't know how she's still here and her love for me is beyond my understanding. I have to be able to face the storm I created. It's down pours, driving winds, flashes of lightning and thunder. I must look into the face of the one I have damaged so bad and understand what I have done. I cannot hide from this life I have so thoroughly poisoned. I will stay strong. I will manage my emotions better, release my anger, and focus on building instead of destroying. I will not stop becoming a better man than I have been, or than my father was. I live this girl, and I will become a man that can make her happy, and give her all of the best things in life.


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