Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 7

Yesterday was day 6. I haven't been in the mood to count. I know I need to be stronger for her. And for my daughter. She was feeling ok this morning it seemed. There were smiles, and touching, kissing, and sweet embrace. I have to know its gonna be much harder than that. There will be pain, and anger that I need to listen to understand. I can't hide from who I've been or what I've done. I need it burned into my kind. Not to torture, or punish, though that may be deserved, but to improve, to grow, to ensure I never make these mistakes again. I want to get sober, gain the weight I've been talking about, graduate college, learn to be more humble and empathetic. I will never cheat again, to ensure that I need to change how I'm thinking, loving, and living. I love there girls, my partner and my daughter. I am going to be the best for them I can be.


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