Thursday, July 28, 2005

i recently read a good article about the big bang ( well its about more than the big bang but i throughly enjoyed that aspect of it. i mean how could such an unrandom thing (considering there was only constants at the begining of the universe) create such a chaotic universe where nothing works the way it should. i mean everything should have the same rotatoin logically. why doesnt it?. there should be similiar matter through out the solar system. and how would hydrogen evolve other elements....i thought elements couldnt be broken down into anything else. but if hydrogen created them all shouldnt it be found in each of the other elements. i dunno its just a little confusing. on a lighter note darwins origin of the species is good but boring. no wonder its called the most well known least read book of the last millenium. hmm....i think ill write a poem and go on a bike ride....oh wait business meeting thats right...



At 11:42 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I haven't read the article but I saved the link.

I read this book called Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea (you can look it up on and at the end it touched on black holes, that whole aspect whether the universe is expanding or collapsing.

Very intriguing. Some of the math, etc was over my head but I feel like I got a lot of out of it.

At 8:25 PM, Blogger jbb said...

lol well to be honest i dont think most astronomers kno shit except for that they dont kno shit. but they wont tell us that. they just throw math that no one understands at us then tells us what it means. then again maybe im just mad at this whole weekend


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