Tuesday, May 01, 2007


a writers pasture
should be a place where
ideas rapture
and capture
it like a picture
and make it clearer
like real life suspended
held in a mirror
and though thoughts
are not dependent
how it is said
is how its presented
and how its presented
displays how its meant
a lyric is dead
if not read
with what is said
held in mind
so people process
each line
and successes defines
what others may find
to be not excess
but a beautiful expression
an interjection
a random collect
the minds indescrection
on a lesson
a great idea
that takes possession
and i cant describe
the feeling of freewheeling
where innocence
and experience
create something
about a feeling
that lures us
endures us
and ill endure trust
if a writer must
but it must create lust
and produce intrust
so please pick carefully
and expose scarcely
those thoughts that barely
make you care free
and at the same time
make you say
"i scare me"


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